

I want to hear that we have abolished nuclear weapons.

In Prague, in April of 2009, President Obama announced, “I state clearly and with conviction America’s commitment to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons.” I listened to this speech with delight. But he continued with, “I’m not naïve. This goal will not be reached quickly, perhaps not in my lifetime.” I was disappointed to hear that. He is in his forties. He thinks we should live with nuclear weapons for another thirty years or more.
We can’t abolish nuclear weapons as long as we believe in nuclear deterrent power. Obama is President of the U.S., the number one superpower country in the world. The U.S. has half of the world’s total nuclear weapons. Obama should make a plan to abolish nuclear armament in the U.S. and invite other countries to follow him. I have heard enough of “Yes, we can.” I want to hear “we have done it.”


Now is not the time to spend money on the military.

The casualties in Haiti should be helped as much as possible. Seeing their miserable condition makes us sad, and I must do everything I can. The fact that the earthquake occurred in the poorest country makes matters worse. I never saw people fight for relief supplies before. Helping the casualties while also improving their living conditions needs quick action. We are all citizens of earth.
 We must spend our resources on people’s safety and comfort. That requires much money. Even though we shouldn’t waste, we spend 1.15 trillion dollars, 2.4% of the world’s G.N.P., on the military. Some say an army will protect our lives and prosperity. But war is nothing but killing and destroying. To prepare for natural disasters should be the first priority. Now is not the time to spend money on the military.



昨年秋、子宮頚がんワクチンがようやく日本で認可されました。すでに世界100カ国で実施されているワクチンです。ぜひ多くの方に知識をひろめ接種を勧めたいと思います。 国立がんセンターのデータによると一生のうちにがんにかかる確率は男性54%女性41%です。実に2人に1人ががんにかかります。がんで亡くなる確率は男性27%(4人に1人)女性16%(6人に1人)です。すべての人にとってがんの予防と治療が重要な課題になっています。
子宮頚がんはヒトパピローマウイルスが性交を通じて感染し発症することがわかっています。全女性の 70~ 80%が一度はヒトパピローマウイルスに感染し、そのうちの一部の女性が持続感染状態となり、さらにその一部の方が子宮頸がんになります。ヒトパピローマウイルスは100種以上の型がありますが、今回認可されたワクチンはそのうち頚がんの原因の7割をしめている2種類のウイルスに効果があるものです。子宮頚がんはワクチンで予防できる唯一のがんと言われています。